Similar Neighborhoods
Identify neighborhoods similar to a target neighborhood to help users discover new areas with comparable characteristics and amenities.

Powerful Neighborhood & Affordability Insights
Neighborhood Similarity Search
Query similar neighborhoods based on detailed demographic and Local Logic insights.
Similar Neighborhoods Endpoint
Use Local Logic's Similar Neighborhoods endpoint to retrieve similar neighborhoods.
Proximity Filters
Ensure results are geographically nearby within the same metro area or within 100km if not part of a metro area.
Customizable Neighborhood List
Filter results to include only the neighborhoods you support.

Affordability Insights
Provide users with affordability comparisons to help them evaluate similar neighborhoods.
Median Price
Access median price data for each asset class in the source and similar neighborhoods.
Transaction Count
View total transaction counts for better market understanding.
Affordability Tags
Quickly determine if similar neighborhoods are more or less affordable than the original.

Robust Similarity Methodology
Our neighborhood similarity scores are based on powerful demographic features and proprietary Location Scores.
Comprehensive Demographic Insights
Local Logic Scores

Discover Also

Location Scores
Unlock powerful location scores for neighborhoods and specific addresses.

Points of Interest
Detailed points of interest data to enhance your project with comprehensive location insights.

Neighborhood Profiles
Detailed neighborhood profiles that enhance your project with rich, human-readable content.