Points of Interest (POI)

Detailed points of interest data to enhance your project with comprehensive location insights.


Comprehensive Data, Enhanced User Experience, Flexible Integration

Comprehensive POI Data

Access extensive information on points of interest around any location in the US and Canada.

Enhance User Experience

Provide users with detailed insights about nearby amenities, improving engagement and satisfaction.

Flexible Integration

Easily integrate POI data into your project with customizable query options that suit your needs.


Comprehensive and Flexible POIs

Broad Data Coverage

Access a wide range of POI categories for comprehensive location insights.

POI Categories
Alcohol shops
Arts, culture, and science
Bus stops
Car fueling stations
Clothing shops
Common needs shops
Conference centers
Groceries (general + specialized)
Home improvement
Personal care
Pet care
Rapid transit stations
Shops and services
Sports facilities
Train stations (intra-city/commuter)
Detailed Classification
Each POI is classified with tags and brands for nuanced insights.
Extensive Coverage
Data available for any location across the US and Canada.
Points of Interest API - Local Logic

Location-Based Scores Search

Query POIs near a specific location to provide detailed insights about the area.

Latitude/Longitude and Radius
Use lat/lng coordinates and a customizable radius to retrieve POIs.
Default and Enhanced Endpoints
Choose between the default endpoint (up to 30 POIs per category) or the enhanced endpoint (up to 500 POIs across multiple categories).
Detailed Responses
Receive POI details including brands and tags, ensuring comprehensive insights.
Points of Interest - Local Logic

Category, Brand, and Tag Filtering

Refine POI searches to provide highly relevant data for your users.

Category Filtering
Filter POIs by specific categories to reduce irrelevant results and improve query performance.
Brand Filtering
Filter by specific brands to provide detailed insights on chain businesses.
Tag Filtering
Use tags to differentiate POIs by type, such as independent vs. chain businesses, or cuisine types for restaurants.
Points of Interest Data - Brand Filtering

Discover Also


Access detailed demographic data for neighborhoods or specific locations.

School Data

Elevate your real estate offerings with detailed and customizable school data.

Location Scores

Unlock powerful location scores for neighborhoods and specific addresses.

Value Drivers

Uncover the key location characteristics driving property values up or down.