Pocket Listings Unveiled: The Future of Clear Cooperation

Max Leblond

20 Sep 2024

Pocket Listings - Clear Cooperation - Masterclass

In this masterclass, real estate industry veterans will explore the controversial Clear Cooperation Policy (CCP), often referred to as the “pocket listing ban,” which has once again become a focal point of discussion in the industry. 

Masterclass Overview

Our panel of experts will debate both sides of the policy, discussing its impact on agents, sellers, and buyers, as well as its effectiveness in promoting equal access to housing. 

With legal challenges ongoing and the Department of Justice taking a keen interest, this masterclass will delve into the future of CCP and the evolving role of pocket listings in the real estate landscape.

Masterclass Participants

Key Insights

  • The Purpose of Clear Cooperation: Why CCP was introduced and its intended role in ensuring equal access to housing.
  • Industry Support vs. Opposition: Major voices in favor of and against CCP, and their reasons for defending or challenging the policy.
  • Legal Implications: Ongoing lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny from the Department of Justice surrounding pocket listings and CCP.
  • Impact on Agents, Buyers, and Sellers: How CCP influences the market, and whether it has been effective in curbing pocket listings.
  • What’s Next for Clear Cooperation: Predictions for the future of CCP and how it may evolve in the coming years.

Why You Should Attend

  • Gain Critical Insights: Understand both sides of the Clear Cooperation debate from industry leaders and experts.
  • Stay Ahead of Legal Changes: Learn how ongoing lawsuits and government scrutiny may impact pocket listings and real estate regulations.
  • Better Serve Your Clients: Get practical takeaways on how CCP and pocket listings affect buyer and seller decisions.
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