Shattering Ceilings – Women in Real Estate Leadership

Max Leblond

04 Jul 2024

Masterclass Women in Real Estate Leadership

Join us for an insightful masterclass that delves into gender disparities in real estate leadership and explores actionable strategies for bridging this gap.

Masterclass Overview

The path to real estate leadership in any industry remains filled with challenges, with men still holding a majority of executive positions despite women making up a significant portion of the workforce. Join us for an insightful masterclass that delves into gender disparities in real estate leadership and explores actionable strategies for bridging this gap.

Masterclass Participants

Key Insights

  • Historical Context and Current Landscape: Understand the evolution of women’s roles in real estate, from clerical positions to agents and brokers, and why leadership roles remain predominantly male.
  • Statistical Disparities: Examine compelling data showing that while women represent 66% of sales agents, only a fraction of leading real estate brokerages are headed by women.
  • Income Inequality: Learn about the gender pay gap within the industry, where women earn approximately 69 cents for every dollar earned by men, impacting their advancement into leadership roles.
  • Barriers to Leadership: Discuss the unconscious biases and misconceptions that prevent women from rising to top positions, including the perception of work-life balance as a lack of ambition.
  • Success Stories and Initiatives: Highlight successful women leaders in real estate and the initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality.
  • Actionable Strategies: Explore strategies to support and encourage more women to step into leadership roles, including mentorship programs, leadership training, and advocacy efforts​.

Why You Should Attend

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the gender dynamics in real estate.
  • Learn from industry leaders and experts.
  • Discover practical steps to foster a more inclusive and equitable industry.

Register now — don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the change!

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