Portfolio Analysis

Find out how location drives value and performance to inform better investment decisions

Unlock more informed investment decisions

  • 85


    Data points analyzed per month

  • 300


    Individual addresses

  • 1,000s

    of Datasets

  • Identify

    Identify location variables that impact your KPIs

  • Optimize

    Optimize location as an input to value

  • Understand

    Understand which markets and where within those to invest

  • Uncover

    Uncover the impact of location on your portfolio

  • Increase

    Increase the accuracy of comps

  • Accelerate

    Accelerate go/no-go investment decisions

  • Location data is still not a given in the commercial real estate space, and Local Logic will allow us to leverage both traditional and alternative data sources, as well as conventional and advanced analytics to screen, evaluate and select the best opportunities that result in superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors.

    Adam Brueckner, Managing Principal, Silverstone Partners

  • Local Analytics has simplified the process of analyzing a new site by building a user-friendly platform with centralized information. This tool is easily saving us countless hours of additional work.

    Jake Goodman, Sr. Manager of Sales and Innovation, Cogir Real Estate

  • Points of Interest

    Integrate real-time data on the surrounding amenities directly into your workflows to better understand their impact on prices.

  • Location Scores

    Compare & contrast location quality objectively to remove forecasting errors and capital misallocation.

  • Demographics

    Demographic shifts can significantly impact real estate trends. Stay informed and make decisions based on quantifiable data insights.