US & Canadian School Data

Find out how suitable a home is based on the schools available in the area, anywhere in the US or Canada.

Find out if a location's nearby school options fit your needs.

Sample Canadian School Data

    • Display schools on a map and filter them by type, level, and languages offered by the institution.

    • Choose from up to 7 filters to generate your personalized map view.

    • Empower your users to find the properties that are in a specific school boundary, in the US and Canada.

    • Demographic Insights

      Display and leverage granular demographic insights across the US and Canada to enable more informed real estate decisions.

    • Location Scores

      Accurately assess the quality of a location's transportation, services, and character features.

    • Neighborhood Profiles

      Unlock over 90,000 neighborhood descriptions, maps, and city descriptions.

    • Points of Interest

      Present the most relevant information for any location, with context.

    Want to learn more?

    Get in touch to better understand how your business can leverage our school insights.

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