School Data (Canada-only)

Elevate your real estate offerings with detailed and customizable school data.


Empowering Real Estate with Comprehensive School Data

Uncover Information

Deliver a complete picture of school options around any location or neighborhood, empowering users to make well-informed decisions.

Increase User Engagement

Boost user satisfaction and engagement with detailed insights about nearby schools and attendance zones.

Integrate Seamlessly

Customize and integrate school data effortlessly into your platform to meet all your needs and improve functionality.


Powerful School Insights

Comprehensive School Data

Access a comprehensive and detailed dataset on educational institutions, ensuring you have the most thorough and actionable school information available.

Comprehensive School Details
Includes school names, websites, educational levels, grade ranges, languages of instruction, and special programs.
Extensive School Board Information
Provides names and websites of school boards, proximity metrics (distance and walking time), and detailed school catchment areas.
Detailed Proximity & Catchment Insights
Covers distance and walking time metrics, catchment area geometry, and specific programs, grades, and levels offered within catchments.
Schools API - Local Logic

Location-Based School Search

Retrieve school information based on latitude/longitude coordinates with a customizable radius, perfect for listing pages and location evaluations.

Latitude/Longitude & Radius
Use precise coordinates with a default 5km radius (extendable to 25km) to find schools.
Comprehensive Data
Obtain comprehensive data on schools within the search area, including names, websites, and attributes.
Localized Analysis
Ideal for providing detailed insights about specific locations.
Schools Data API - Local Logic

Customizable Boundaries

Define your own search boundaries to receive school data tailored to specific geographies.

Spatial Flex (Custom Boundaries)
Specify unique area boundaries to gather relevant school information.
Flexible Analysis
Adjust searches to meet any project requirements.
Schools API - Local Logic

Discover Also


Access detailed demographic data for neighborhoods or specific locations.

Location Scores

Unlock powerful location scores for neighborhoods and specific addresses.

Points of Interest

Detailed points of interest data to enhance your project with comprehensive location insights.

Neighborhood Profiles

Detailed neighborhood profiles that enhance your project with rich, human-readable content.